Policy: Standards of Conduct

Employees are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with Dean’s Professional Services (DPS) and Houston Methodist policy for general standards of conduct and professionalism. Violations of standards may be grounds for discipline, up to and including dismissal.

The following general rules on employee conduct have been developed to provide employees with an understanding of what is inappropriate and what disciplinary action may be appropriate if employee misconduct occurs. These rules supersede and replace all prior published and unpublished policies.

The list provides only a guide as to what discipline may be appropriate for the situations listed. Neither these rules nor other policies are a contract or other promise of employment and in no way alter the fact that employment is terminable at will and can be severed by either party at any time for any reason not prohibited by law.

Additionally, all licensed, certified, or professionally affiliated employees may be reported to their respective authority (Licensing Board, Certification Board, etc.) for violations.


Examples of these violations include, but are not limited to the following:

·         Violation of Employee policies and procedures, instructions or established practice

·         Violation of ICARE Values

·         Violation of state or federal law

·         Patient abuse or disregards of safety or patient care practices

·         Theft or abuse of Company or Client time or material

·         Theft or abuse of Employees or Employee’s property of Company or Client

·         Use of Personal Cell phone while on site while working

·         Unauthorized possession or removal of Company or Client, visitor or patient property

·         Gross misconduct

·         Falsifying documents or transmitting false information, including omission of relevant information

·         Unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives or other weapon on Company or Client property

·         Violation of patient confidentiality (including when the patient also is an Employee)

·         Violation of the Drug & Nicotine Testing Policy

·         Unauthorized sleeping on job

·         Failure to perform assigned duties or follow instructions of your supervisor or insubordination

·         No call/no show

·         Excessive absenteeism and/or tardiness


These are not the only grounds for discipline or termination. DPS reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including termination, even though violations are not specified above.


Progressive Disciplinary Action Steps

1.      A verbal “coaching” warning - may be given for first offenses, except in cases where the nature of the offense is considered serious enough to warrant a written warning, suspension, or discharge.

2.      A written Disciplinary Action Notice warning - may be given for second offenses or initial offenses too serious for a verbal warning but that do not warrant discharge.

3.      Termination - may occur when all other efforts have failed to produce the desired result or in the event of a violation of the Policy and Procedures.

a.      Termination may also be considered in a situation where an individual establishes a consistent historical pattern of repeated violations that by themselves would not result in termination within the normally stated time periods.

b.      Any three (3) disciplinary action notices given within a year will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.